Sometimes I wonder what or how life would look like today had I not said yes to God’s prompting to learn how to weave with the goal of teaching refugee women how to weave as well. I have thought of it more and more lately because I have been asked by friends why weaving and where I learned the art.
My answer as always and will always be God taught me, and this is not a cliché or anything but the truth. Yesterday Sunday the 23rd of February our pastor taught on the giftedness of Bezalel who was called by God,” filled with the Holy Spirit in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge and in all manner of craftsmanship, to design artistic works, to work in gold……. And to work in all manner of craftsmanship” Exodus 31:1-5. Hearing the message yesterday reminded again that God is the one who has started our work at Creative Hands and has carried us this far and will keep us going as we daily surrender to Him and allow Him to be the Shepherd that He is.
I have watched each woman who has come through our doors from the very beginning when it was a very small space that could serve only 4 women at a time to where we are able to serve up to ten women at a time. I like to remind myself that even though I love beautifully and intricately woven textiles, Creative Hands has been more than making textiles, rather it has been more about God the Master Weaver weaving back each life including mine into a beautiful tapestry. I have watched with amazement at each woman’s life, learning their stories of pain, disappointment, hurt, trauma and everything else while they are weaving-become different with a totally different outlook on life. I have watched these women change from telling me they cannot, it is impossible to where they have confidence that they can and will. I have seen dignity restored, hope rekindled and the desire to dream of a better future for them and their children be reignited. It is just beautiful and I cannot take any credit for what I have seen and witnessed except to say, “ Look what God has done” From 2018-present we have served women from Kurdistan, Iran, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Sudan, Congo, Cameroon, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Nigeria, Somalia, Ethiopia, Greece, Roma Gypsie women, and I know there are more women that we will get to work with in the future and all this has been because in 2018 during a season I did not fully understand God spoke and I stepped out in obedience. I have to say that the obedience was not just on my part but on the part of those who were praying with me, listening with me and joined in this journey and committed to giving. I am grateful. Today we continue serving one woman at a time and I am grateful.
So, when I started learning how to weave, my goal was to learn as much as I could so that I could teach the women that God was leading me to. I learned as much as I could and then started inviting the women to sessions of both weaving and sewing and the beginning was not very easy. I needed a lot of grace, patience, perseverance and a determination to continue doing what I was doing, even when it did not make sense, or I did not see any progress. But we persevered and today I look back to when it all started, and I am blown away by the grace of God and the patience of the women who trusted me and came to learn.
I have learned in my journey of faith that very rarely does God give the full picture or blueprint of what needs to be done, how it needs to be done and the resources that will be needed. It has always been a matter of stepping out with the conviction that God has spoken...
I guess I am reflecting on the beginning of where we are because it is important especially when there seems to be more going on than I feel or think I can manage, or when there are more women asking for help than I think we can afford. I have learned in my journey of faith that very rarely does God give the full picture or blueprint of what needs to be done, how it needs to be done and the resources that will be needed. It has always been a matter of stepping out with the conviction that God has spoken, and I cannot help it, but do as He is speaking and then every time, we take the step provision follows. I think I am reflecting on this a lot lately because we find ourselves presented with a new woman who needs work, has been with us learning and growing with us as part of our community for the last 3 months. This woman came to us by God’s leading and has been very clear to us as we have listened and watched her, and we are thrilled that God brought her from a refugee camp to add strength to our community that is growing. I am grateful that through her arrival, God has reminded me that He will use anyone He chooses to strengthen, encourage and ignite the passion and desire to help.
As you read this post, would you pray with us for provision for this new season of growth. Yes, we have a new woman we would like to employ officially as of March 1st and then I know there are at least two women waiting to start their lessons in the next month or so. We are grateful for your obedience to pray, give and purchase our products. Thank you and we pray blessings on you.